I'm always complaining to Jake that we have so many pictures of the kids (duh) but hardly any pictures of us WITH the kids. I want more family pictures. I want Ella and Milo to remember what I looked like now- before all the gray hairs and wrinkles settle in for good. After reading a post on clickinmoms with tips on how to include yourself in pictures with your kids, I decided, "it shouldn't be THAT hard, right?"
And once again, I was reminded that I needed to take that expectation bar that I already thought I had placed low enough and lower it once more. And then again. Nope. Maaaaybe just another inch. Okay, right THERE.
This picture, while by no means perfect, was one of my favorites from that afternoon. I kiss Milo like this all the time. Kiss him while he's nursing, kiss him while he's looking off in a different direction- just press my lips against his soft, chubby cheeks and smell his delicious baby-ness. I love it when both of my kids nap at the same time- don't get me wrong- but I have grown to really cherish those afternoons when Milo wakes up early from his nap. It's almost as if he knows this is one of the only times he doesn't have to share his mama.
Linking up with My3boybarians "Sweet Shot Tuesday." :-)