
January 5, 2012

P52 Challenge: "Resolution"

Some of you may already be aware that I'm starting to get into photography (you know, in all of my spare time). :D Thanks to Pinterest, I stumbled across this lovely blog, and started working through the 31 Days Photo Series. (Extremely helpful, especially for someone who still considers herself a novice).

So I've decided to participate in m3b's P52 Challenge- posting one photo every Friday (using the weekly assignments given) from now through the end of the year. This week's topic was simply called, "Resolution." Somewhat ironically, I scribbled this quote (one of my all time favorites) in between pages of unfinished potential song lyrics, journal-type entries, and random moments of personal breakthrough over the last two years:

"Above all, be true to yourself, and if you cannot put your heart into it, take yourself out of it." ~Gerard Way

Anything worth doing is worth messing up a few times until you get it right. So for me, 2012 will be about being less-than-perfect, but more than willing...

project 52 p52 weekly photo challenge


  1. Oh I want to participate!

  2. great photo! i've found that photo challenges like this have improved my photography tremendousely. so much inspiration!! :)

  3. Hello!
    I really like your photo!
    Petonets xoxo

  4. Love your photo! Very creative.

  5. Oh my goodness - that is so powerful and wonderful!

    I love the quote! Beautiful photo, too.

    And your hand writing? OH! Love! :)

  6. Beautiful! Look forward to following your journey.

  7. Such a wonderful quote! Love the perspective, too!

  8. Photo challenges with themes such as this force me to think outside my box and tap into cretivity to come up with ideas. I am going to enjoy this photo meme too!
    Great photo!

  9. Thanks so much guys! I'm excited to have another outlet like this to expend some of my creative energy, and definitely appreciate the encouragement. :-)

  10. Great photo and perspective. Love the quote!

  11. Beautiful photo. And you have a really nice handwriting. (My writing would not be photography worthy).
