Gotta love Richmond. We're all- "holy crap-- go out and buy up all the bread, water, toilet paper and chocolate chip cookie dough because Jesus is coming!!!" every. single. time. mother nature decides to send us a storm. Granted, the last time a hurricane got this close to us, it caused some pretty significant damage, so I'm not saying a little bit of concern isn't warranted (and certainly, those in the Carolinas have good reason to be prepared). But since Irene is a "Category 2" storm, and more than likely staying far enough east of us to put us solidly in the orange "tropical storm warning" area, I see no need to prepare for the apocalypse just yet. Matter of fact, I'm beginning to think I'm the only one who's not freaking out about Irene. (I mean seriously, how can you be scared of something named "Irene?" It's like being afraid of your great-grandmother). Now, if someone were to change her name to, oh I don't know- "Hurricane Bad-Ass" or "Hades" I might be more enticed to go out and buy three dozen jumbo packages of bottled water, ply-board and lots of batteries.
Instead, here is my hurricane "emergency" kit:
Crayons, coloring books, paints
Yo Gabba Gabba and Baby Einstein DVD's
Dark Chocolate
Ingredients for crockpot Vegetarian Tortilla soup
Craft and scrapbooking materials
Corkscrew (duh)
Tylenol, Motrin
Scented candles
Yoga Pants
I realize I could eat my words. But I'm hoping and praying that I don't, and that for once, the forecasters are right. If that's the case- call me weird- but I'm kinda looking forward to a rainy weekend. Stay safe (and sane!) everyone. <3
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