Some days just begin with a short fuse, unfortunately. Today is one of them. I attribute it mostly to the usual fatigue, plus a teething and irritable baby, another meltdown (brought to me by the terrible-twos), and a growing to-do list of chores I can't ever seem to make a dent in. I had just put Milo down for his morning nap and went to switch on the monitor in our living room but turned it to the wrong channel. I immediately heard wailing and gnashing of teeth, and a pi$$ed mom who was yelling, "GET UP!! Go sit on the potty NOW!!...{rumble-rumble, static, mutter, heavy-sigh, possibly a four-letter word}. "I am SO tired of...{static, more wailing}..I said GET UP!!!!"
And I smiled for the first time all morning.
Because a few doors down, some poor mom had also apparently hit her breaking point by 9:33 a.m. I could just hear the fatigue in her voice. She, too, was cleaning up poop, pee, spit-up, dishes, and crusted macaroni & cheese on booster seats from the night before, when all she probably wanted to do was sit her @$$ down somewhere and have a bloody mary. (It's Sunday, for cryin' out loud).
Oh, Angel-Care monitor. You were so worth the money. Not only can I put my baby down to sleep with a certain peace of mind, but I can also eavesdrop on other houses in my neighborhood, you know, when I start to think that we're the only ones just trying to survive until naptime.
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