This probably should be the "29 Days of Thankful" but it doesn't have that nice alliteration and I plan to make up for it. Yesterday- the first day of November, I was thankful for a day to run errands and go to the grocery store by myself. This was something that would not have made it on the thankful list 3 years ago, but now joins the ranks with other things like oh, a shower, or maybe an uninterrupted cup of hot coffee (you know, instead of having to stick it in the microwave two or three other times to re-heat it). I wouldn't trade these crazy, exhausted years for anything, but I'm sure my husband might like it if I smelled good, occasionally. ;)
TODAY, I'm thankful for family- both Jake's and mine here in the area. I sometimes wonder how we would make it without them and I'm also fairly certain that NONE of us would have survived the move this summer without their help. I was never able to live close to my grandparents when I was younger, so the fact that Ella and Milo are already so close (and not just in proximity) to my parents and Jake's parents is something I consider a huge blessing. Between their aunts, great aunts, cousins (and second cousins) and even great grandparents, my children are continually showered with love and affection by family members who want to have a part in helping to raise them, and I love this. I love it, not just because it means that we don't have to shoulder the heavy responsibilities of raising our kids on our own, but because I hope it means that we are helping to continue the legacy set forth by our parents, and that is exactly what is printed on the picture in our playroom: "Other things may change us, but we start and end with family."
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