Oh how my heart is breaking tonight. I share this story because, in the midst of this "30 days of Thankfulness," I had the nerve to sit on my couch this morning and moan to a friend that both of my kids had colds and were up during the night. Whoa is me. DIdn't they just have colds a month ago? Because I'm pretty sure that means we should be done getting colds until next year.
Then I read this story. A little boy, born just a few months before Ella, diagnosed with acute lymphatic leukemia when he was only 4 months old. He spent most of his life attached to tubes and machines, undergoing a bone marrow transplant and fighting to see his third birthday. His little brother- born this past March- was, in fact, his bone marrow donor. They lost him a little bit at a time, slowly. He gave up his fight yesterday afternoon while his Momma held him.
Within minutes of reading it, I found myself standing at the foot of Ella's bed, watching her breathe in and out, then soaking in the warmth of her body as I scooped her up into my arms for just a few seconds. Afterward, I tiptoed into Milo's room and laid my hand gently on his back as I listened to his soft snoring and watched his red angel lips pucker while he dreamt. I was all at once filled with such intense gratitude for this life that I live and yet pissed beyond belief that any parent should have to hold their child while they breathe their last breath. And I'm scared. Because I know deep down inside that there's no reason this couldn't happen to me. For as much as life is precious, it seems it is that much more unpredictable.
These parents have just done something I hope and pray to God I never have to do. It is truly every parent's worst nightmare. And just when you think it couldn't get any tougher for this family, the dad found out he was fired from his job at the company he had worked at for several years because of the amount of time he had to take off of work to care for his family. Yes, you read that correctly. Fired. They have drained their savings account due to the cost of medical bills and are now in the position of having to come up with enough money to bury their own son.
Could I ask something of you? During this season of thankfulness, if your child(ren) are healthy and sleeping away up in their beds, maybe you would consider donating something to this family in their honor? (Paypal address is listed on Tyler's website). Every penny counts. If nothing else, just hug your loved ones close and cherish the moment you have with them right now- right this second. it's the only moment that really matters, and the only one we're ever guaranteed.
Rest in peace, Tyler. <3
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