While pregnancy gives a woman much to be excited for, it goes without saying that it's not always a walk in the park. Between the first trimester nausea and fatigue, the growing belly and tightening clothes in the 2nd trimester, and the various body aches and pains that accompany the 3rd trimester, a pregnant woman can count on hurting in some form or another just about every day she puts her foot out of bed. (Lucky us).
And while it's easy to gripe and complain (and we have every right to), I thought it was time to write a post about all the things that I'm grateful for this pregnancy, in spite of the above-mentioned annoyances. First and foremost, I'm grateful for my health and the health of this baby. Stating that pregnancy isn't "a walk in a park" is a major understatement for many women who find themselves violently sick throughout the entirety of their pregnancy, or are put on bedrest due to threatened miscarriage or pre-term labor. I'm so thankful that I haven't fallen fall into either of these categories, and I know that I've surely taken it for granted at times. I am also grateful to have had a "textbook" pregnancy with Ella and that I wasn't even as sick in the first trimester as some women are. This pregnancy seems to be following suit (fingers crossed!)
But here are a few other things that I simply couldn't live without and are definitely worth mentioning (in no particular order):
1. Zofran.
It's no surprise to anyone who knows me well that I would mention this miracle pill, what with my unique fear of throwing up and all things associated with it. This tiny, unassuming yellow pill is packed with a punch that transforms even the greenest of green into a nice healthy shade of pink again. Oh, and did I mention the current price for just one of these little miracle-workers is $4? I might also add that I'm not expecting much for Christmas this year, since I've had it refilled about 3 times a month at 30 pills a pop. Yep, you do the math. Nirvana ain't cheap. (But oh, so worth it).
2. Coke
Ah, nothing is more refreshing than an ice cold coke on a hot day. And there's something about it that my pregnant body craves from the moment implantation occurs until my 40th week (or 41st, as was the case with Ella). Aside from the debilitating nausea, my insatiable thirst for coke was another big clue for me that I was knocked up, even before the pee stick turned pink. And it has to be real coke. The "fatty" coke that's chock full of empty calories. Not diet, not coke zero, not even coke with lime. Just good ol' fashioned Coca Cola Classic. (Even better if it's in a glass bottle). ;)
3. Chocolate
If you had handed me a piece of chocolate or a brownie when I was in my first trimester with Ella, there was about an 85% chance I would have gagged and run for the bathroom. Not so much with this pregnancy. It's no secret that I've developed quite the sweet tooth with this baby. Just the mention of chocolate or seeing a commercial on TV will have me salivating for some dark chocolate sorbet or a Milky Way bar. And that's not to say that indulging in a big chocolate chip cookie a few weeks back wasn't without it's consequences of immediately feeling sick and regretting the decision. Still, I craved it and continue to have a jonesing for something sweet every day. Although now unfortunately, I don't often have the backlash of nausea to make me re-think going for that second or third helping. Which, consequently, brings me to #4...
4. Elastic waistbands.
I lost the battle against my pre-pregnancy jeans about 4 weeks ago and have been living comfortably in maternity pants ever since. Honestly, it's a battle that I regret fighting so hard to begin with. After having the button of my jeans digging into my bulging belly for 6 weeks, secured only with a hair rubber band, stepping into my favorite maternity pants was like a little slice of love handle heaven. And now that my belly is actually starting to resemble more of a bona fide baby bump and less of a muffin top, I can feel even better about investing in a designer pair of maternity jeans, right? ;)
5. Naps
Naptimes are sacred in this household because Ella naps = Mommy naps. I am both lucky and grateful that she still takes two fairly long naps a day, and although it's a rarity that I actually get to have some shut eye when she does, I almost always take advantage of the time to put my feet up and rest (and maybe eat, again).
6. My husband.
I admit, during the lowest points of my pregnancy (i.e. moments I spent lying on the bathroom floor and every contraction leading up to my epidural with Ella), it was tempting to blame Jake for my condition (I mean, after all, I didn't get myself pregnant). But honestly, he's my rock. I know that I couldn't have survived either pregnancy without him. From late-night Wendy's runs, to foot-rubs and back-massages, to dealing with the ups and downs that was (and still is) the hormone rollercoaster I've been on, it goes without saying that the man has the patience of a saint. And the biggest heart of anyone I know. I know I'm a lucky girl, although I don't think I let him in on that fact often enough.
7. My daugher.
Amidst the tantrums and the ever-unfolding diva attitude she displays on a daily basis, she is without a doubt, my absolute joy. Even after a day of feeling worn down, hungry, nauseous, then hungry again, then scared to death of what life will look like with 2 under 2, I can take just one look at her and immediately know exactly why I'm doing this all over again. I remember that I literally felt my heart grow in capacity when they put her in my arms and I'm totally expecting for it to grow twice as much again when this new baby comes. Becoming a mommy has hurled all kinds of new things at me, but none have been greater than the joy it brings me to watch her grow into this incredible little person. While I have my moments of anxiety about bringing another baby into our already crazy life, I am reminded of what a gift it's going to be for me to watch Ella transform, before my very eyes, into "the big sister." Being an only child, I'm grateful to be able to give her something that I was never able to experience for myself- the love that exists between siblings. To be able to play a part in creating this legacy for them is something I never want to take for granted.
There will be more "grateful" posts to come, I promise, as I have much in my life to be thankful for....but only so much time before a certain little bug wakes up from her nap. ;)
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