
February 2, 2009

Fresh Fruit....and Varicose Veins??

This is a post of randomness.  I'm learning more and more everyday that pregnancy = random. Pregnancy also = uncomfortable, but that's another topic.  Let me first address the fact that I have to have fruit right now.  Fresh fruit.  For the last two weeks, it was green grapes.  I was in Subway last week and when I got to the end of my order, I gazed into the case of cookies.  Once upon a time, I would have remembered that I could swap out my bag of chips for two cookies (and I did that more often than I should have).  But not this day.  When I thought about what I wanted for dessert after my 6 inch cold cut combo, I immediately thought of the green grapes I had bought at the store earlier in the week.  My mouth literally started to water.  I stopped at the grocery store on the way home from Subway and left with a gi-normous bag of green grapes (because I had already devoured the first bunch I had brought home that week).  I chose grapes over chocolate.  *shock*  No lie.  Right now, it's morphed from green grapes to fresh berries- strawberries, blueberries and blackberries.  I'm about to finish the whole container I bought at Kroger yesterday.  Thank God I haven't been struck with the "I need to have McDonald's french fries and I need to have them now!" craving.  I still have about four months to go though.
And now, without any smooth segue, on to my ugly varicose veins.  I just did it: I crossed the bridge between blackberries and ugly spider veins.  Apparently, I have about 50% more blood pulsing through my veins right now.  And I feel and see every bit of it right under my left knee where baby has decided it would be nice to give me the mother of all varicose veins.  It has been there for as long as I can remember, but never entirely visible.  I noticed it, but only because I knew it was there.  Well, now everyone knows it's there.  It's blue, red and purple and because that's not grotesque enough, it's also lumpy and bulbous.  It looks like something you would see on the legs of your great-grandmother, underneath her sagging hose.  Even the cute little Vietnamese man who was giving me a pedicure the other week looked at it, while massaging my legs and feet, and said, "Ow. You hit? You bump?"  *I seriously thought he was making fun of me until I realized 1) he was speaking English and 2) my varicose vein had finally gone and gotten a life of its own.*   By the end of the day, it hurts to put my full weight on it.  So I end up limping around the house.  A little like Quasimoto, except my hump is in the front and not on my back.  Supposedly after the baby comes, the swelling goes down and the veins will become less "veiny," but I'm expecting it to hang around for a while.  Laser surgery anyone?
More randomness to come....I've only just begun. :)


  1. lol! you're funny! i haven't had the veins issue but i've had others. like i sweat all the time under my arms and you know where else! ewww...yeah, i'm still waiting for the pretty part of pregnancy to come! hey - i'm also gorging on fruit too, it's great isn't it? i ate a whole thing of blueberries and went through almost 2 things of strawberries last week and tons of carrots. if i ate this well when i wasn't pregnant i'd be a size smaller! you're funny, keep 'em coming! ericka (FF)

  2. I've been wanting fresh fruit as well for about 2 months now. Grapes, apples (Gala), strawberries, and red grapes. Just typing that makes my mouth water. I'm usually not a sweater and now I have occasional armpit sweat as well as a few veins here and there. My cousin told me to take a picture of my body right when I found out I was pregnant because I won't remember what it looked like after pregnancy, now I wish I would have listened.
