....or perhaps, "how much crack did you smoke before going to sleep?"
I have officially entered the phase of pregnancy where a "good night's sleep" is becoming more of an oxymoron. First, there is the configuration of pillows on either side of me and between my legs along with the sheer fact that I now wake myself up when I have to roll over. Once I do roll over, I realize I have to pee. I walk to the bathroom in a sleepy stupor, do my thing, come back to bed and wrestle with my pillows for another 10 minutes before I fall asleep again, only to repeat in another 2-3 hours. Now, one would assume that this is the most likely reason for the restless nights.
There's that.....but then there are my wild, beyond graphic, crack-infused, sometimes x-rated dreams. Supposedly they really "kick in" during the third trimester but again, I find my pregnancy book to be incredibly ambiguous when listing these dreams as simply "vivid." Let's put it this way: if I weren't pregnant and was having these dreams, I might be telling myself to lay off the pipe for awhile (if that was indeed the cause). Here's a brief history of what the sandman has been bringing me over the past few weeks.
If you are pregnant, have ever been pregnant, or have had friends who are pregnant, you are probably well aware that pregnancy dreams have a reputation all their own. It all started in the second trimester, when literally, I would wake myself up after having had a very, um, detailed and explosive sexual escapade--so much so, that my body was literally gearing up for the big O as I was sleeping. This was new territory for me, but apparently it's quite common with pregnancy. *Now there's a pregnancy symptom that can stick around as far as I'm concerned.* This happened on several occasions, as a matter of fact. Sadly, I always woke myself up up before it got to the "good" part. *Just a little disconcerting, to say the least* So I would lie there horny and frustrated, knowing there was really no easy way to roll over, wake up my husband and ask him to "finish the job" he didn't even know he started.
These are not quite as fun, but twice in the past week, I have dreamt that I could see the baby by looking down at my belly. And not just as in, "oh, look at my baby bump" I mean, "oh look- there's the head, there are the legs and feet...." At one point, the baby pressed itself so hard into my belly, that I could see the indentation of it's little nose and eyes and lips. At which point I began to casually lift up my shirt and point it out to random people as I was walking around. *Freak.* That's right, no sense of modesty on my part. Later in the same dream, the baby started crying (keep in mind, it's still inside of me). So I did what any other mother would do in my unique circumstance: reached inside my belly, and rubbed the baby on the back until it fell asleep. I don't remember how exactly my hand got in there, but I should be glad that I don't remember that part.
The other night, I woke up in the middle of the night feeling weird pressure *down there.* So I pulled the covers back, and lo and behold, there was a head! Acting as if this was the way I had planned to give birth, I reached down and pulled the baby out and laid it on my chest and everything was fine. No pain, no blood, heck- no umbilical cord to cut either. Done and done! I'm not sure where Jake was this whole time either-maybe he had run to get some hot water....(never have understood the urgency with which people in movies screamed to "get hot water!!" when a woman was about to give birth, by the way).
Probably the most bizarre of all dreams was last night's "midnight madness show," hosted again by yours truly. Everywhere I went in my dream, people were doing walking handstands- I mean, this is how they were moving about, and of course, it was normal. Well, "normal" that is, until they began to split in half. One leg, torso and arm went one way, the other side went in a different direction. (And keep in mind, everyone is still walking around on their hands). But apparently, it became my job to put people back together, you know, matching up the correct bodies and making sure that everyone got the other leg, torso and body that was rightfully theirs. *ummmm, what the??* I woke up and immediately started laughing as I tried to explain this to Jake, who looked at me as if I had lobsters crawling out of my ears. (Might be the same expression some of you have right now as you're reading this too).
Was it something I ate? Was it something I saw on TV, or read in a magazine before falling asleep? It certainly wasn't something I drank or smoked (I SWEAR). Apparently, it's just pregnancy. I've learned that pretty much anything abnormal that I experience (and let's be honest, there's nothing "normal" for 10+ months) from weird pains, to weird bumps, to *ahem* growing body parts (see previous post) and most especially, "vivid" dreams, can all be attributed to baby.
If I'm already having them now, I can only imagine the kind of dreams I'll be having in another two months.