I'm throwing in the towel.
I've been letting far too many little things get to me. I suppose that everyone's definition of "little" is different, but for me, it truly is the "little" things that drive me batty. ISFJ's like myself love to have control- all the time, over everything. (A coincidence that I've dealt with anxiety for a large majority of my life? I think not). Anyhoo, there's nothing like having kids to make you realize once and for all that control, really and truly, is nothing but an illusion. Yay! .....???
In terms of priorities, the question no longer is, "what should I do first?" (assuming I would actually be able to knock out my entire to-do list in one day. HAH). Instead, it's become, "what is the worst possible consequence if ____ doesn't get done?" All this week, I will be posting pictures of things that I've decided to chill the eff out about, for the sake of my family and my own sanity. No facades. No sugar-coating. No bitching. (Okay, maybe just a little griping, but under my breath). Some of the things that get under my skin will probably be hilarious to some, but hopefully relatable to others. We all have our vices, right?
{deep breath} Here goes.
I give you....my kitchen sink (dun-dun-DUUNNNN).
I almost always clean as I go, after breakfast, after snacks, after lunch. Can't STAND to have messes or clutter. But I've decided I don't technically need to clean them all up right away. I can wait until naptime (but not a second longer, daggone it. Hey, progress is progress). Maybe eventually I'll work up to letting them go...*gasp*....ALL DAY before I wash them. ;)
I'm still not there yet. I'm an INTJ, but really strong J, which I suspect that you are, too. I am a clean-as-you-go, and will clean everything I've used to make a meal before I eat it, even if I have to re-heat the meal. The Baby Bjorn carrier has made me a little better about this, but not much. *hug* love you