
March 25, 2012

Great Post by Zenhabits: "The Way of the Peaceful Parent"

Okay, I'm doing this at the risk of coming across as "crunchy" as I know in my heart I actually am. But in reality, this re-post has nothing to do with being a hippie, zen parent, and more to do with acknowledging that every parent strives to be a happier/stronger/more sane/more fulfilled mommy or daddy tomorrow than they were today. After just getting in from an absolutely amazing weekend in Charleston with our best friends (more on that later), I'm feeling particularly refreshed and recharged, but I don't for one second pretend to think that by tomorrow morning, at approximately 11 a.m., I'll still be feeling this way. In which case, I'll be glad to take the opportunity to re-read this blog post (and grieve the fact that I'm not still sitting on a veranda overlooking a cobbletone street, sipping a mojito).

As it pertains to getaways, all good things must come to an end.

As it pertains to parenting, if we're lucky, there's always tomorrow. ;-)

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