We've arrived at our last weekend as a family of three. And it started abruptly at 6:01 a.m. when my normally good sleeper decided she would throw her binky out of her crib and then talk (read: whine) about it. I guess she figures that since we're *this* close to having a newborn in our house, we might as well start getting up before we darn well feel like it.
Oh sleep. You've been so good to me over the last 16 months. Please don't forget about me. Please don't forget about my son. And please don't forget the fact that you showed up in very large chunks when Ella was only 5 weeks old and that you graced her with your beautiful 7-8 hour presence by 6 weeks. Yes, I know how lucky I was. But I'm asking to be that lucky again. If it's wrong to hope that this will be a common trait shared between a sister and brother, then I don't want to be right.
In case you decide to hold out on me, I come armed with the Keurig B70 Platinum edition. 5 cup sizes and brewing strengths. A "brew over ice" option, even.
Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
(Ok, but seriously, don't forget about me. Please. Thank you...)
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