It's about that time, peeps! (Or it already has been for some of us...) There are only 40 shopping days left 'til Christmas and while I suspect that most guys will wait until day 40 of this countdown, I have plans to have all of my gifts bought AND wrapped at least 2 weeks before the big man in the red suit makes his appearance (but we'll see how successful I really am at this). As entertaining as it is to watch my feet and ankles swell up like sausages, I've decided that, at 33 weeks pregnant, I will not want to go and stand in ridiculously long lines at the mall to find the perfect (and probably overpriced) sweater/earrings/scarf/kitchen gadget. I would reconsider if I had a Little Rascal to scoot around in, but my pride is too big to be swallowed at this point. (Give me another month though, and I might reconsider). Just for fun, and because I haven't posted anything in a while, some random thoughts (that I loosely refer to as "rules") when it applies to me and Christmas shopping. ;-)
1. Set a budget and stick to it.
You know, within a couple hundred bucks or so....
2. Shop when there are sales. If possible, combine with coupons or other savings cards you get in the mail.
This way, you can buy that cashmere scarf for your best friend and one for yourself.
3. Online shopping really is the way to go.
Coming from someone who loves to shop in stores and malls at Christmastime- if for nothing more than the nostalgia and overall warm Christmas fuzzies it gives me- even *I* can't deny the advantages of one-click purchasing. Really, who can argue with the concept of perusing stores in your pajamas with a cup of hot coffee while watching Christmas movies? Throw in some cinnamon rolls and I've pretty much died and gone to Heaven.
4. It's socially acceptable to start Christmas shopping as soon as Halloween is over.
(Maybe even sooner). I know a lot of people will disagree with this, but just take a walk through Target the day after Halloween. No sooner have the Jack-O-Lanterns been put on clearance than the Christmas trees, Santa figurines and holiday decor come busting out. If it's there on the shelf, then who can blame you for putting it in your cart? No time like the present!
5. While out Christmas shopping, it only makes sense to be listening to Christmas music.
Even if the weather is, oh, in the 70's- like it has been here in Richmond for the past 2 weeks. (Don't even get me started). It may feel like Christmas in July, but don't be ashamed. Go ahead and turn up the "Linus and Lucy" theme song and get your jam on. (Disclaimer: if you are caught listening to either "Christmas Shoes" or "Dominic the Donkey," you will be hunted and down and brusquely beat about the head with a giant candy cane).
6.. If you put it on a credit card, it doesn't really count towards your original Christmas budget.
This is probably one of my favorite self-imposed rules. If it doesn't come directly out of your account at that moment of purchase, you can pretend it didn't happen! This is especially beneficial for that pair of over-the-knee suede boots that were too good to pass up. Pure magic! Just tell yourself you'll deal with it in January. (I'm pretty much expecting Dave Ramsey to be beating down my door any second now...)
7. Buy people what they have specifically asked for.
Especially if you're lucky enough to have someone actually give you a specific list. I tend to adhere to this as the "Golden Rule" of Christmas shopping: do what you would like to have done to you. I'm sure we can all remember specific incidents as kids when we got what I like to call "filler gifts." If you left too much up in the air for the person shopping for you, you were liable to end up with granny panties, socks, a Richard Simmons workout DVD or some kind of inanimate object you can neither identify or determine it's use. These days, gift cards are not thought of as "taboo" or "thoughtless" as they might have been viewed once upon a time. If you don't have specifics, gift cards are the way to go.
8. It really isn't about the gifts.
(Duh). Contrary to some of the earlier "rules," of course, I know that it really isn't about checking off a list or maxing out a credit card, but it's easy to get sucked into the hype. Really, who doesn't love giving gifts to other people- even if it means going a little overboard? However, my excitement for Christmastime revolves more around being with family now-especially after having Ella- and sharing experiences together and reflecting upon a baby born in Bethlehem- a story that will bring even more significance to me this year as my own discomfort from being hugely pregnant with our son will serve as a precious reminder. (And yeah, I think riding on a donkey would be a sure-fire way to send me over the edge at this point). I know that the memories we will make this year will far outlast anything I could buy or wrap up in shiny paper, and this is a legacy I hope to pass on to Ella and Milo through the years. (Okay, that, first and foremeost- and THEN the art of Christmas shopping). ;-)
Haha, #6 is funny! lol
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