1. Count the dimples of cellulite on my thighs and ass. This will probably take a good 2 hours, depending on the angle. I believe that my right thigh and ass cheek have a few more than my left...
2. Scoot myself around our house on my yoga ball. It's quite comfy actually. I'm currently trying to figure out how I might be able to roll myself around the neighborhood with Poco when we go for walks.
3. Rock climbing and/or spelunking. Because what's more impressive than a big pregnant woman impersonating Spiderman, right? I'm just not sure there are many good spots in Richmond...
4. Figuring out how many different ways to eat a double stuff oreo. First and foremost, it has to be double stuff- I don't mess with the weird hybrid oreos (mint, cappuccino, peanut butter). Just give me the plain old fashioned oreo and glass of skim milk. As for how many ways to eat it, I lost track after the 9th one...guess that means I'll have to start over later this afternoon. *darn*
5. Counting the diapers in the mega box of Pampers I bought. Just to make sure there are, in fact, 216 of them in there. After that, there are the mega packs of 384 wipes to go through as well.
6. Squeezing and fondling my nipples (and yes, I make sure to practice some self restraint in public). I've found this to be both fascinating and somewhat painful. If nothing else, some interesting stuff will come oozing out (*yay- my body works!*). But supposedly, alternating 15 minutes on each side once an hour releases the hormone oxytocin, which induces uterine contractions. And I figure, if it doesn't have the desired effect, it will probably at least get my husband interested....which can lead to another fun way to pass the time...
7. Shaving my legs and "downstairs" region. Due to the sheer size of my belly, I end up looking like a blind person reading Braille, as I take my razor and feel around to make sure I'm not leaving any patches. Likewise, I also can't see if I've nicked anything or am bleeding anywhere either, so I guess it's just as well...if things get really slow around here, I'll work on creating a fun design for my OB to find at my next internal.
8. Going to the grocery store and getting revenge....by asking overly curious, stupid or borderline rude shoppers if they would like to strap on a couple sacks of potatoes to wear throughout the duration of their shopping trip and see how they like it. If this doesn't get the message across, perhaps I'll take a broom stick and mimic baby's kicks by poking them repeatedly in the stomach and back...
9. Writing/editing a series of poems dedicated to my cervix and vajayjay to further encourage their cooperation in project "baby eviction."
10. Going for a pedicure. I figure if my feet are going to be up in stirrups just any day now, they might as well look cute (since nothing else down there will and all sense of modesty will be lost by then). Plus, have you seen a 9 1/2 month pregnant woman try to paint her own toenails? *pathetic*
11. SLEEP. Hit the snooze button eleven times before getting out of bed, doze off on the couch after lunch while watching something uninteresting on TV, go to bed at a decent hour and set the alarm for 2 a.m. so that when it goes off, I can remind myself that I don't have a baby to breastfeed *yet.* Roll over and go back to sleep. Repeat. :-)
Now off to work on #4 or #11....or perhaps both....