
About Me

1. I like to make lists.
2. I'm not a morning person. Which makes being a mom to two under two a really dumb idea between the hours of 5 and 9 a.m. every day.
3. I have a weird allergy to cilantro. Please don't feed me any of your homemade salsa or I'll be doubled over with stomach cramps for the next 3 hours.
4. I had a dream that I met my husband the week before I actually met him.
5. I'm on facebook entirely too much.
6. I'm passionate about my children. Becoming a mother has especially made me hurt in a new way for children who don't have access to food or clean water. Love what this is about.
7. I have perfect pitch. Occasionally it's fun. But when you're sitting in a room analyzing the dissonance created by the fluorescent lights and hum of a radiator, then it's just annoying.
8. I wanted to become an OB-Gyn when I was little. This was before I knew where babies actually came from. After that, I decided I would just do music.
9. I was born 13 days past my due date. (God bless my poor mother).
10. According to Meyers-Briggs, I'm an ISFJ. (Almost 50/50 on J vs P). Among the famous people I share this combination with are Mother Theresa and Dog, the Bounty Hunter. This makes me laugh.
11. I love Kate Spade. But I generally refuse to drop 385 bones on a dress.
12. I would have no problem spending that amount for the right pair of shoes. (My husband, on the other hand probably would...)
13. I used to be superstitious about the number 13. But then my husband asked me out on our first date on a Friday the 13th. Then, four years and one month later, my daughter was born on another 13th. So I guess I need to find something else to be superstitious about.
14. If I was made of money, I would spend it here.
15. I made it all the way to Dallas, TX in a regional spelling bee when I was nine years old. Then I was the very first one out. Since then, I have always remembered how to spell the word cistern.
16. I like my steaks medium-rare. My husband is a vegetarian-turned-vegan. My daughter survives primarily off of pasta, bread and cheese. Basically, menu planning is a bitch in our house.
17. I, too, got sucked into the Twilight Series. {Team Edward!} Don't hate.
18. I feel much more relaxed when I know everything is in it's proper place. Which means I spend roughly between the hours of 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. every day feeling frazzled and discombobulated.
19. My dream getaway is a cozy cabin in the mountains with a few nice bottles of wine and a couple of good books. If it would snow, that would be even better.
20.I am an only child and only grandchild on one side of the family. I confess to still receiving checks in the mail for holidays like Easter and Halloween. On the flip side, I might have had way too many pretend friends when I was little.
21. Christmas is my absolute favorite time of year. I start counting down in July of each year.
22. I love the Three Stooges. Can't beat good slap-stick.
23. This commercial makes me cry. Every. Single. Time.
24. Grammatical errors are one of my biggest pet peeves. "You're and "your" are not interchangeable, people!
25. I will drink just about anything red with a French name. Beer, on the other hand? I'll pass.
26. My first job ever was at JC Penney working in the men's department selling slacks to men over the age of 60. Gross.
27. I hardly watch any TV (other than Nick Jr. *sigh*). Don't care about reality shows either.
28. Jake and I love to sit and listen to music after we get the kids down. ( If we ever get them to both go to sleep).
29. I have a cup of Sleepytime tea almost every night before I go to sleep.
30. And then I take out my dentures and put them in a glass by my bed...
31. I used to love animals and wanted to have a plethora of them. Then, I had babies and realized I don't have the emotional or physical energy to clean up the fecal matter of any other living thing for a very long time.
32. I have battled emetophobia for the last 5 years.
33. I did make it through two entire pregnancies (and deliveries) without ever throwing up, despite horrible nausea.
34. I do not want there to be a third pregnancy. One girl, one boy. I'm done.
35. I am lactose intolerant and am still grieving the loss of my ice cream.
36. I could ride roller-coasters til the cows come home but I will NOT get on anything that spins round and round. (see #32).
37. I am a somewhat aggressive driver. My husband would call it a mild form of road rage.
38. I don't understand people who run "for the fun of it."
39. When I was pregnant with my daughter, I kept her gender a secret from my husband (per his request) for the last 5 months of the pregnancy. (He swore she was a boy).
40. There is always a stash of chocolate somewhere in our house. It's a very, very bad day when there isn't.
41. My favorite movie as a kid was The Wizard of Oz. I watched it twice a day some days.
42. I have never seen Gone With the Wind. (*gasp*)
43. I do not do well with change. I thrive off of routine.
44. I was in the Miss Richmond pageant in 2002. Nowadays, I almost wouldn't be caught dead wearing a swimsuit without a cover up.
45. Gershwin is one of my favorite 20th century composers.
46. I took four years of German in high school to help prepare me for my intentions to study music abroad. All I have to show for it now is, "Excuse me, where is the bathroom?" and "I have a headache."
47. I still haven't been to Europe. (10 year anniversary trip, maybe?)
48. I had my belly-button pierced before my ears (and didn't get my ears pierced until I was 20 years old).
49. I consider the $650 I spent on my epidural to be the best money I have ever spent. Ever.